Get This Book And I'll Give You the Step-by-Step Plan to Turn Your Passion into a Profitable Coaching Business of Your Own

Get Your Copy of The Passion to Profit Method Today and Follow The 3-Steps That Have Helped 1,000s Go From ZERO to Thriving by Coaching Others to Live Well

Get This Book and I'll Give You the Step-by-Step Plan 1,000s of Passionate People Just Like You Have Used to Launch Thriving Careers as 6+ Figure Coaches.

Get Your Copy of The Passion to Profit Method Today and Get a Step-by-Step Plan to Launch a Thriving Coaching Career Helping Others and Making an Impact.

For Anyone Who Wants to Create Success While Helping Others to Live Well

From: Suzanne Monore

Founder, International Association of Wellness Professionals

Hi Friend,

If you’re passionate about holistic health and wellness, natural living and lifestyles of well-being…

If you’ve discovered you have the gift of helping and guiding people on their journeys…

If you’re ready to make a difference and transform the lives of others through coaching.…

These 3 Steps Can Help You Launch a Thriving Coaching Business Doing What You Love

Maybe you’re like I was when I first became a wellness coach, and you’re trying to figure out how to follow your passion and grow a coaching business.

You know you're meant to be a coach but you're getting stuck with all there is to do to grow a coaching business. (They never told you about this part, did they?)

Or, maybe you’re a holistic health or wellness practitioner who is already helping clients but you’re looking to expand into coaching to make a bigger impact and leverage your time (especially if you're getting burned out by hands-on, in-person work).

Or perhaps you’re an aspiring coach and haven't gotten started yet, but want to follow your passion in a meaningful career that impacts people's lives for the better.

No matter where you are on the journey of discovering how to coach others as a career, I’d like to share with you…

A Simple Path to Growing Your Own Coaching Business.

Right now, I imagine you’re thinking about all of the things you need to know and do to grow a successful coaching business. (Which can be overwhelming for sure.)

For most coaches (both aspiring and existing), there’s a big, long list of to-dos that need to be checked off one by one before you can have a coaching business you’ll love.

So you end up overwhelmed, letting your dream of helping others fade away instead of using your gift of helping others.

But, I want you to know this: If you align your passion with your coaching business, all of these questions become much easier (and faster) to answer...

...and your path to becoming a thriving coach becomes easier than ever.

That's What You'll Learn How to Do Inside My Book, The Passion to Profit Method.

Here's What's Possible When You Follow this Method

“I was a full-time mom and yoga studio owner”

“Before the IAWP, I was a full-time Mum and Yoga Studio Owner. I also sufferedfrom chronic stress, autoimmune disease and depression. 

My life and health was totally transformed after I started the IAWP training. I gained not only the wellness knowledge to overcome my autoimmune disease naturally but I also found my purpose in life.

I’ve had many successes since graduating, including signing up paid coaching clients easily, becoming confident, and positively impacting my family and friends’ lives.”

- Aditi Rastogi

“I recently had my first $10,000 month!” 

“I had over 14 years of experience in the wellness field yet I had no idea how to market myself, coach my clients, or make a living following my passion.

That all changed when I became a student at the IAWP.

I am very happy to now be able to say I am an IAWP Certified Wellness Coach, my business has taken off and I’ve created more balance and confidence in all areas of my life, plus I recently had my first $10,000 month!”

- Donna Lee Humble

“I was a nurse”

“I knew that my work as a full-time nurse was purposeful but misaligned. My passions and values differed from my role responsibilities, and I couldn’t stand to sit around waiting for weekends and retirement, especially at 26 years old…

Life is so much bigger than dead end jobs and passions on pause. I’m stubborn enough to appreciate that.

I never expected to have a full business up and running by this January. Although things have fallen into place so quickly and, for the first time, so intentionally.

I am so grateful for the IAWP making my dreams a bigger reality than I ever believed, and teaching me how to remain healthy and well in the process. ”

- Heather Brittain

“I was a therapist.”

“Being a mental health therapist, I have always had a strong desire to help others. But I felt there was a missing piece and a disconnect between physical and mental health.

Joining the IAWP was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’m now impacting thousands of people’s lives through my workshops, coaching programs and online videos

- Laura Albers

“I Reclaimed My Health and Recreated My Career.”

“Before the IAWP, I worked in a corporate environment. I developed chronic stress, fatigue, insomnia and more. The breakdown in my health made me realize I didn’t want to climb the corporate ladder anymore, it wasn’t fulfilling and I wanted to do something more.

I am so happy and so grateful! I feel so different. I’m not the same person I was when I enrolled. I feel so much more connected to myself and I know myself. Here I am today, who knew that my life would take this turn?! I reclaimed my health and recreated my career.”

-  Eileen Franco

“I'm Getting Ready to Start With My 50th Client and Getting Paid to Do What I Love!”

“I joined the IAWP after graduating from another coach certification program. I realized I didn't have the coaching or business skills I needed to create the kind of coaching practice I wanted to have.

So many things have happened since finding the IAWP. I have a new level of confidence. And I'm getting ready to start with my 50th client and getting paid to do what I love!”

- Neshama Mousseau

“I've Had Breakthroughs in My Own Health and My Clients Are Now Experiencing the Same Thing.”

“I have multiple sclerosis. In 2017, I had no energy to do anything. I was just merely existing. My doctors couldn’t help me and finally I decided to take action to take back control of my health naturally. I found the IAWP and signed up immediately, without hesitation.

I've had breakthroughs in my own health and my clients are now experiencing the same thing. Since graduating, I have a thriving coaching business. The skills I learned through IAWP have set me up for extreme success!”

- Jen Martin

“I Went Into This Field…to Stay at Home With My Kids While Following My Passion...and I Just Had a $10,000 Month!”

“This has been so exciting for me! One of the reasons I went into this field was to be able to stay at home with my kids while following my passion, working from home. I now run my coaching practice from home, working with clients virtually.

During my training I took on paying clients, created a program to support moms and launched my coaching practice called Redesigning Motherhood. And I just had a $10,000 month!”

- Aimee Schrank

“My Income Has Been Doubling Each Year.”

“I was able to leave my position in corporate America. My income has been doubling each year. I’m now getting referrals weekly…because of the visibility that I’ve been able to create in following the systems that the IAWP has to offer...

…My most recent video had over 163,000 views. And I couldn’t have done any of this without the IAWP!”

- Kim Goeltom

This 3-Step Approach Makes the Path to Becoming a Thriving Coach Easier than Ever. Here’s How…

Once you realize that everything you need to do in order to become a coach is interconnected, all you need to do is find alignment.

How you’ll set up your coaching business…

How you'll get clients…

How you’ll serve those clients…

And how you approach all of the to-dos and tasks that need to get done - so that you have a business you love, you have clients you love, and you’re consistently helping them…

…can all be simplified by thinking about coaching the same way we think about holistic health and wellness.

See, if you're passionate about holistic living and well-being, then you probably agree with this: no one symptom can be separated or treated alone.

Everything is interconnected.

Take chronic fatigue for example. Sure, looking at food and exercise is important. But so is examining one's mindset, stress levels, career life, relationships and more. Each of these factors impacts the others, agreed?

And, get this - The same is true with your coaching business, but you may not have realized it until now. Everything is interconnected in your business and at the same time, unique to you.

It's why cookie-cutter solutions probably haven't worked for you in the past. They're like quick-fix diets that only prove to be a bandaid.

It's time for an aligned, interconnected solution that takes THE WHOLE YOU into account in your coaching business.

My Aligned, Holistic Approach to Coaching, Getting Clients, and Thriving with Your Own Coaching Business...

Inside my book, The Passion to Profit Method, I’ll introduce you to a simple way of growing a thriving coaching business that you love to wake up to everyday.

It’s a method that’s helped 1,000s of people like you from all over the world turn their passion for helping others into thriving coaching businesses that make an impact in the lives of others.

I've had the honor of training and supporting coaches with this powerful method for almost two decades now and I'd love to share it with you - if you, too are passionate about impacting people's lives with the power of coaching.

Here's how it works...

This method relies on a simple principle missing from most approaches to starting a business:


How The Passion to Profit Method Works

Just like no one symptom can be separated or treated alone, no one task in that long to-do list of things you’ll need to do in order to become a coach can be separated or completed alone.

Everything you need to do to become a successful coach is interconnected…

…which is no different from how we approach holistic wellness.

Because everything is interconnected, everything you need to do to become a thriving coach can be simplified and aligned with one simple approach:

The Passion to Profit Method.

The Passion to Profit Method is a 3 part framework for aligning all of the interconnected pieces of a thriving coaching business.

And unlike most cookie-cutter solutions today, this method is unique to you.

When you get your copy of The Passion to Profit Method today, you’ll discover how to find your unique path to becoming a thriving coach…

…and you’ll learn the 3 steps to aligning all the interconnected pieces of a coaching business so that you can really make a difference as a coach and help a lot of clients.

Get the 3-Step Plan that 1,000s of People Have Already Used Launch Their Own Successful Coaching Businesses

The Passion to Profit Method

Get Your Copy of The Passion to Profit Method  Today for Just $4.97!

In The Passion to Profit Method, You’ll Learn How To….

  • Identify who you’re meant to serve as a coach and align your passion with your people…

  • Get your message in front of the people who need to hear it and find people who are waiting to work with you as their coach…

  • Get clients even if you’ve never worked with coaching clients before and how to guide your clients to the transformation they’re looking for…

  • Create a new level of confidence so that you can make coaching your primary focus and source of income.

  • Find what you were put here to do and begin serving others, working, and finally living from your soul's purpose

  • And grow a thriving coaching business that can grow to $10k/mo or more.

This Book Is a MUST-READ

  • If you’re interested in a proven path to becoming a thriving coach, helping a lot of people and growing an authentic business that truly makes a difference in the world

  • If you’d like to know where to start, if it will work for you, and if YOU can be successful as a coach

  • For those who are ready to follow their passion but have felt stuck up until now (I understand where you are right now and you can get unstuck with this method.)

  • If you’re feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and overstressed and you’d like to design a lifestyle of freedom as a coach…

  • And if you’re ready to enjoy freedom of time, energy, and money so you can truly live the balanced, healthy, holistic life that you care so deeply about...

I’ve Helped 1000s of People Across the Globe Become Thriving Coaches Who Are Transforming Lives

Whatever brought you here, I want you to know that you’re in the right place. 

Over the past two decades, I’ve worked hard to build the International Association of Wellness Professionals (IAWP), collaborating with experts from around the world to create a global training organization that’s helped thousands realize their dream of becoming successful coaches who are sharing the message of holistic wellness, natural living and well-being.

My latest book, The Passion to Profit Method, shows you what I believe is the fastest way to become a coach, get clients, change people's lives for the better and grow a thriving career doing what you love. 

This book exists to help you get clear on how your passion can make a difference and help others…

…and also how your passion can make a profit. 

But this isn’t just about money. It’s about more than marketing, getting clients, or setting up a business of your own. What I’d really like to begin to show you today is my personal motto and how it can support you to...

“Live Well, Dream Big” and Fulfill Your Purpose. 

I’m guessing that, if you’re reading this, something has happened in your life to awaken you to the power of wellness. 

And, somewhere in your journey, a spark of passion was ignited.

Maybe you healed yourself from a chronic condition or found an alternative path to a health challenge, when traditional routes couldn't help you.

Or maybe you've helped a friend or family member?

Whatever your amazing story, your life is changed in some way. A big way, too. I know this, because it's what happened to me, too. (A long story for later, ok?)

Now, you’re excited to share what you’ve learned with others.

But there's a problem - it's not taking off how you would have hoped. Either because you didn't get the training and support you needed when you became a coach or practitioner....

Or because for some reason, it just doesn't seem to be working for you.

The endless struggle of trying to "make it work" can be so exhausting and defeating. And what makes it even worse is when...

You're watching all of the other coaches out there who seem to be having success, while you wait for your dreams to finally take off. (Late night social scrolling isn't making it any better either, is it?)

It's time to do thing differently.

An inside my book, I’d like to give you everything you need to get started as a thriving coach…

  • The steps you’ll follow to identify your niche and know who you’re going to serve…

  • How to outline your coaching philosophy and even your own Unique Signature Coaching Program that you can launch all on your own and use to start helping others right away…

  • Methods you can follow to powerfully attract your ideal coaching clients and serve them in a way that will transform their lives for the better…

  • The confidence to know you can do this and create a lifestyle you love while you're at it...

  • And a proven method that will continue to help you grow your own coaching business now and into the future…

The book includes everything I believe you’ll need to design a lifestyle you’ll love, doing meaningful work that makes a difference in people’s lives as a coach. 

But, more importantly, what I want to show you how to live from your heart's purpose and shine your light so you can help others in a big way. 

Get Your Copy of the Book NOW Available for IMMEDIATE Digital Download. It's Just $4.97 and Includes 2 FREE Bonuses!

When You Order Now, You’ll Also Get these FREE BONUSES 


My Career Burnout Online Course

A Guided Course to Help Stop the Stress, Get Unstuck and Create Success Doing What You Love

Are you tired of feeling like you have to “hustle hard” to achieve success… only to wind up in a state of burnout time and again?

Then it’s time to discover the strategies to prevent burnout - common among new coaches who are trying to do it all - continue feeling fueled and fulfilled by the work you do.

That’s exactly what you’ll learn in this FREE bonus training & blueprint!

This valuable resource is designed for coaches currently facing burnout, or for those who are stuck in a job that is causing burnout and want to transition to coaching and a more balanced career.

FREE With Your Order Today!


Find Your Coaching “Superpower” with this Guided Workbook

Everyone Has a “Coaching Superpower” that Makes Them Unique and Attracts Clients…Here’s How to Find Yours

Ready to discover your “Coaching Superpower?”

Your “Superpower” will be the unique way that you stand out from other coaches and show up for the people you serve in a unique and exciting way that’s true to you and your strengths. 

Inside this workbook, I’ll show how to find your “Superpower.” You’ll get examples from the different coaching superpowers I’ve seen after working with 1,000s of coaches and you’ll follow step by step as you find your own unique way to help and serve others. 

This guided resource is included with your order of the book today for FREE!

FREE With Your Order Today!


Wherever you are on your coaching business journey right now, you should get your copy of The Passion to Profit Method before you do anything else.

The method you’ll discover inside will help you align who you are and the unique way you approach health, life and well-being with the people you can help the most. 

This is the foundation of a thriving coaching business: You have to be true to yourself in everything you do!

I’ve seen far too many coaches make the mistake of trying to start and grow a coaching business by copying someone else or trying to be someone they are not. 

And I’ve seen far too many coaches believe that they don’t have the time, energy, experience or background they need to be successful as a coach.

It's simply not true.

I’m here to tell you that you can start today. By reading this book and following the method inside, you can begin helping others and changing lives...even in the next few weeks.

You don’t need to be perfect or have it all figured out. You don’t even need to have coaching clients yet. You don’t need to have a business background. You don't even need to be a certified coach yet.

All you need is a method to align your passion with how you’ll help others with the power of coaching. That’s what this book will show you how to do. 

Even if You Have NO Experience as a Coachand NO Business Right Now

I get it. We all want things to be perfect before we get started. But that day is never coming, agreed?

And the good news is - You don’t have to be “perfect” to follow your passion and help people doing work you love as a coach.

And you don’t need to have everything all figured out right now. In fact, you don’t even need to be a certified coach yet or have any business experience to start learning this method. 

Using the method you’re about to learn in this book, I’ve supported so many coaches to tap into their talents and pivot their life experience to something that could help others.

I’m confident that you can do the same and, I promise that if you read the book, you’ll have the very same confidence that I have for you right now…

…and that you’ll be able to see a clear path forward for you as a thriving coach.

I Guarantee You’ll Discover Your Path to Becoming a Successful Coach and Making an Impact

I want you to be confident in your purchase today so I’m including this no questions asked money back guarantee:

Passion to Profit will show you how thousands of people have turned their passion for healthy living, wellness and natural healing into thriving coaching careers. 

As you read the book, I guarantee you’ll gain clarity on what it takes to become a thriving coach and uncover your clear next steps for creating a coaching business aligned with your values, talents, and passions.

By the end of this book, you’ll have your own clear path forward to becoming a thriving coach and making an impact.

And if you’re not satisfied with the book for ANY reason…

...just let my team know with a quick email to and we’ll send you a refund for your book purchase.

This is a 365-day money-back guarantee. 

That means you have 365 days to go through the book and all the bonuses before you decide if you find it valuable.

What you see on this page is what you’ll discover inside the book.

I guarantee you’ll find it incredibly valuable.

If you’re not satisfied with the book for any reason, let us know so I can send you a refund..

Backed By a No-Questions-Asked

365-Day Money Back Guarantee!

And from what I’ve observed helping thousands of coaches, building who you are into the core of your coaching business is actually crucial to your success.

You can't build a wellness business and personal brand by copying the things that make someone else stand out. 

The best wellness businesses thrive because the person at the forefront isn't afraid to be unapologetically them. To share their wellness journey…

What you need is a business that thrives because of who you are. Not your ability to become somebody else.

So if your own healing journey has made you passionate about health and wellness…

If you’ve already taken a few steps to start a coaching business so you can help others…

If you’re ready to live a more fulfilling life in alignment with your story, values and beliefs…

And if you’re tired of feeling like you need to copy someone else’s path, when what will really propel you forward is a plan to attract clients by being yourself…

Get Your Copy Right Now!

If you know you're meant to help others as a coach, this book will show you exactly how easy it is to create a thriving coaching business helping others. 

I’m excited to show you how to take your experiences, your passions, and your path up to this point in your life, combine them with who you are and your desire to help others, and go out and support the people who need your help the most. 

Love, Health & Success

Suzanne Monroe

Founder, International Association of Wellness Professionals

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